The Nomination Committee proposes two new board members to the MTG Board

The Nomination Committee proposes two new board members to the MTG Board

April 14, 2023
14.45 CEST
Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ) (“MTG”) today announced that its Nomination Committee proposes the election of Susanne Maas and Liia Nõu as new members of the MTG Board. The Nomination Committee further proposes the re-election of Simon Duffy as Chairman of the Board, and of all current Board members except Dawn Hudson and Marjorie Lao, who have informed the Nomination Committee that they have decided not to stand for re-election to MTG’s Board at the Annual General Meeting.

Susanne Maas is the Chief Human Resources Officer at myneva, a leading software solutions provider for the social sector. Prior to joining myneva, Susanne held HR leadership roles at InnoGames, MTG’s largest subsidiary between 2012 and 2022, and before that she was program coordinator at the Bechtel International Centre at Stanford University and, prior to that head of HR and public relations at Catholic Children’s Hospital Wilhelmstift in Hamburg. Susanne holds an MA in International Relations, Administration Science and Organisational Change from University of Konstanz.

Liia Nõu currently serves as CEO of Pandox, a leading owner of hotel properties listed on Nasdaq Stockholm. She is since the last quarter of 2022 a co-opted Board member of MTG. Prior to assuming the role as CEO of Pandox in 2021, Lia was the group CFO, since joining the company in 2007 from leading positions at General Electric Baltics & Nordics, Song Networks, Tele2 and Icon Medialab. Liia holds an MSc from Stockholm School of Economics.

Christian Rauda, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, commented:

“The Nomination Committee is pleased to be able to propose the elections of Susanne Maas and Liia Nõu. Susanne brings expertise managing the people and cultural aspects of a growing gaming business. She also has strong understanding of project management, post-merger integration, data analytics and change management. The Board looks forward to leveraging Susanne's insights gained during her distinguished career within HR leadership. In Liia Nõu, MTG will have a Director with an exceptional operational background from Swedish listed companies, drawing on her experience of the Swedish debt and equity capital markets.”

Christian Rauda, Chairman of the Nomination Committee, continued:

“On behalf of the Nomination Committee I would like to extend our thanks and appreciation to Dawn Hudson and Marjorie Lao for their contribution to the development of MTG over the last years.”

The Nomination Committee comprises Christian Rauda, appointed by EHM Holding GmbH; Klaus Roehrig, appointed by Active Ownership Corporation; Joachim Spetz, appointed by Swedbank Robur Fonder; and Simon Duffy, the Chairman of the Board. In line with past practice, the members of the Committee have appointed Christian Rauda, representing the largest shareholder on the last business day of August 2022, as the Committee Chairman.

The Nomination Committee's complete proposals are presented in the notice convening MTG's 2023 Annual General Meeting.

For more information:

Anton Gourman, VP Communications
Direct: +46 73 661 8488, [email protected]

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About MTG

MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) ( is an international gaming group that owns and operates gaming studios with popular global IPs across a wide range of casual and mid-core genres. The group is focused on accelerating portfolio company growth and supporting founders and entrepreneurs. MTG is an active driver of gaming industry consolidation and a strategic acquirer of gaming companies around the world. You can find our HQ in Sweden, but we have an international culture and a global footprint. Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).

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