About MTG
On 8 June 2022 the Annual General Meeting of MTG resolved on an extraordinary cash value transfer of SEK 25.00 per share to its shareholders through a share redemption plan. The share redemption plan involves a share split (2:1) whereby each existing share in the company has been split into two new shares.
The share split has resulted in the number of shares in MTG has increasing by 117,015,055 shares during June 2022. The 117,015,055 new shares are redemption shares, which will be redeemed as part of the share redemption plan. Thereafter, the number of shares in MTG will amount to 117,015,055, the same number of shares as prior to the share split. For further information regarding the share redemption plan please refer to MTG's website www.mtg.com under the heading ”General Meetings” (which can be found under the section ”Investors”).
As of 30 June 2022, the total number of shares and votes in MTG is 234,030,110 shares and 243,852,026 votes. The total number of shares is divided among 1,091,324 class A shares, 220,290,100 class B shares and 12,648,686 class C shares.
MTG holds per 30 June 2022 3,171,378 class B shares (1,812,630 following the share redemption)1 and 12,648,686 class C shares (6,324,343 following the share redemption)2 in treasury and may not represent such shares at general meetings of the company.
Further, on 17 June 2022 MTG completed the share exchange of EHM Holding GmbH's minority holding in MTG Gaming AB for a purchase price consisting of 18,074,753 newly issued shares of class B shares in MTG. These shares have per 30 June 2022 not been registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office.
1The shares of MTG will be subject to a share redemption as a final step in the share redemption plan resolved upon at the AGM of 2022.
2The shares of MTG will be subject to a share redemption as a final step in the share redemption plan resolved upon at the AGM of 2022.
This disclosure contains information that MTG is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 30-06-2022 22:03 CET.
For more information:
Anton Gourman, VP Communications and IR
Direct: +46 73 661 8488, [email protected]
Follow us: mtg.com / Twitter / LinkedIn
About MTG
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) (www.mtg.com) is an international mobile gaming group that owns and operates gaming studios with popular global IPs across a wide range of casual and mid-core genres. The group is focused on accelerating portfolio company growth and supporting founders and entrepreneurs. MTG is an active driver of gaming industry consolidation and a strategic acquirer of gaming companies around the world. We are born in Sweden but have an international culture and global footprint. Our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).