About MTG
The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect Board members David Chance, Simon Duffy, Gerhard Florin, Donata Hopfen and Natalie Tydeman. The Annual General Meeting also re-elected David Chance as Chairman of the Board.
The Annual General Meeting adopted the Income Statement and Balance Sheet and the consolidated Income Statement and the consolidated Balance Sheet for 2018.
The Annual General Meeting discharged the Board and the CEO from liability for 2018.
The Annual General Meeting resolved that retained earnings, the share premium reserve and the result for the year, a total of approx. SEK 3,002 million is to be carried forward.
The Annual General Meeting resolved to approve the proposal for remuneration to the Board and auditor and procedures for the Nomination Committee, as well as the guidelines for the remuneration to senior executives.
The Annual General Meeting resolved to re-elect KPMG as auditor until the close of the 2020 Annual General Meeting. Joakim Thilstedt will continue as auditor-in-charge.
The Annual General Meeting resolved to adopt long-term incentive LTI 2019, comprising a long-term performance share plan for key employees in MTG and a long-term warrant plan for senior executives and certain key employees in MTG comprising a maximum of 450,104 warrants entitling to the same number of MTG Class B shares. The Annual General Meeting did not resolve to transfer own MTG Class B shares to the participants in the performance share plan. In order to secure the delivery of shares in the performance share plan, the Annual General Meeting resolved that MTG shall enter into an agreement with a third party, under which the third party shall, in its own name, acquire and transfer MTG Class B shares to the participants in the plan.
The Annual General Meeting also resolved to amend the Articles of Association to better reflect MTG’s operations following the split, i.e. to make investments in businesses within the sectors of digital entertainment, esport and online gaming.
At a statutory meeting of the Board of Directors following the Meeting, the Audit and Remuneration Committees were appointed. Simon Duffy was appointed as Chairman of the Audit Committee, with Donata Hopfen and Natalie Tydeman appointed as Committee members. Natalie Tydeman was appointed as Chairman of the Remuneration Committee, with David Chance and Gerhard Florin appointed as Committee members.
MTG (Modern Times Group MTG AB (publ.)) is a strategic and operational investment holding company in esports and gaming entertainment. Born is Sweden, our shares are listed on Nasdaq Stockholm (‘MTGA’ and ‘MTGB’).
Contact us:
[email protected] (or Jørgen Madsen Lindemann, MTG President & CEO, +46 8 562 000 50)
[email protected] (or David Boyd, Interim Head of Investor Relations, +46 73 699 29 99)
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